Set the stage for your product!

Reach who you want, when you want, how you want.

VIMpay for Media gives you the opportunity to interact directly with your target audience through efficient advertising tools such as broadcasting, billboards and our Advantage World.

Which companies already trust VIMpay

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Your benefits with VIMpay for Media

Your options are as diverse as our app.

Harness the power of our banking app to showcase your brand and products to a broad audience. With a large user base, we offer you exceptional reach and regular interactions with potential customers. Increase your brand awareness and generate valuable leads through multiple channels in our banking app.

Our banking app is used by millions of people as a trusted platform to manage their financial affairs. As a marketing professional, you can benefit from this trust and strengthen your brand’s credibility by advertising in our safe and trusted environment.

Use tailored advertising that gets real results! By integrating financial data and user behavior into our app, we give you the power to tailor your ads to the needs and preferences of your target audience. Use these valuable insights to target your marketing campaigns and maximize conversion rates.

Our success stories

Increased awareness

”We are very happy with our VIMpay campaign. It delivered great volumes of traffic with high conversion rate. We appreciate working with VIMpay and will return as a customer.”

Karl Hermansson, COO, TAPSTER

Target group optimized ads

“The product billboard campaign with VIMpay parallel to our TV appearance on “Höhle der Löwen” added a perfect funnel for our customers and created great impact.“

Lukas Schmitz, Founder, PAGOPACE

Gen Z recruiting with success

“We have been regularly booking ads on the VIMpay app for over a year now. For us its a great way to further penetrate the german market and increase our reach with focus on ROI.“

Koba Tsertsvadze, Co-Founder, CNICK

Bring your own success story to life with VIMpay
- contact us now and let's write it together!

You can hardly wait and want to get started right away?

Share your plans and ideas with us. Just contact us. Together we create great things!